make command

This project adopts the Makefile approach, proposed by Jeff Knupp in his blog post Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way .

On Linux/OSX the make command should work out-of-the-box:

$ make help

Shows all available tasks.

Using make on Windows

The two Makefile s in this project should work on all three major platforms. On Windows, make.exe included in the MinGW/msys distribution has been successfully tested. Once msys is installed on a Windows system, the path/to/msys/1.0/bin needs to be added to the PATH environment variable.

A good place to update the PATH variable are the Activate.ps1 or activate.bat scripts of a virtual python build environment, created using virtualenv (pip install virtualenv) or pyvenv (added to Python3.3’s standard library).

Windows PowerShell

Add the following line at the end of path\to\virtual\python\env\Scripts\Activate.ps1:

# Add msys binaries to PATH
$env:PATH = "path\to\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;$env:PATH"

Windows cmd.exe

Add the following line at the end of path\to\virtual\python\env\Scripts\activate.bat:

# Add msys binaries to PATH
set "PATH=path\to\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;%PATH%"

Now the make command should work as documented in $ make help.